Strategic Plan / Equity Statement Feedback
This questionnaire aims to capture DPR's internal feedback on the Ready2Play Draft Strategic Plan. The goals, strategies, and actions which make up the Strategic Plan were developed based on the feedback received through earlier internal engagement, the public engagement process conducted between February 2020 - April 2021, and trends and best practices in the field. The Strategic Plan will be one component of the full Ready2Play Master Plan. The final Master Plan will also include a Capital Blueprint which will provide place-based recommendations on where to invest future capital funds. This portion of the plan is still in development, but will be informed by a data-driven Equity Framework. DPR's Draft Equity Statement which defines what is meant by park equity is included at the end of this questionnaire. We invite everyone to take a few minutes to read through the Draft Strategic Plan and Draft Equity Statement and provide your feedback. This internal questionnaire will be open until Friday, June 25.
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Nick & Dulce - your Ready2Play planning team - at