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As part of the Ready2Play public engagement process, DPR released the Ready2Play Citywide Survey. The survey took place between Nov-Dec 2020 and then was opened up again during our Ward by Ward meetings from late January-early April 2021. In total, 2,913 responses to the survey were received, a figure that meets the threshold for statistical significance given DC's total population size.
The following three different products provide different levels of specificity into the survey:
2. Citywide Survey Report, a data-heavy document that presents the overall results for each question, broken down by ward; and
3.Raw Data Tables, containing the clean version of the complete data received, with personally identifiable information removed.
Please send your thoughts, comments, and questions to the Ready2Play’s planning team at or leave a voice message with your comments by calling 202-282-2198.
As part of the Ready2Play public engagement process, DPR released the Ready2Play Citywide Survey. The survey took place between Nov-Dec 2020 and then was opened up again during our Ward by Ward meetings from late January-early April 2021. In total, 2,913 responses to the survey were received, a figure that meets the threshold for statistical significance given DC's total population size.
The following three different products provide different levels of specificity into the survey:
2. Citywide Survey Report, a data-heavy document that presents the overall results for each question, broken down by ward; and
3.Raw Data Tables, containing the clean version of the complete data received, with personally identifiable information removed.
Please send your thoughts, comments, and questions to the Ready2Play’s planning team at or leave a voice message with your comments by calling 202-282-2198.