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DPR has completed its final 2020 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), which has been approved by the National Park Service to remain in compliance with the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) State Assistance grant program.

The SCORP identifies 8 key priorities that will be used to guide the selection of future LWCF capital projects for outdoor recreation improvements.

The key priorities include:

  1. Resilience & Sustainability
  2. Access, Connectivity & Diversity of Recreation Experiences
  3. Accessibility & Inclusion
  4. Health & Equity
  5. Technology, Innovation & Education
  6. Identity & Culture
  7. Enhancement & Maintenance
  8. Collaboration & Administration

The SCORP also adopts numerous strategies from existing citywide plans relevant to outdoor parks and recreation and lays out an Open Project Selection Process which provides additional details on how future LWCF projects will be identified and selected.

This SCORP acts as the official document for any future LWCF grant application. Upon completion of the Ready2Play Master Plan, the SCORP will be amended to reflect the final priorities of Ready2Play. If you have any questions pertaining to the SCORP, please email ready2play@dc.gov.

Download the Final DC SCORP 2020 here.

DPR has completed its final 2020 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), which has been approved by the National Park Service to remain in compliance with the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) State Assistance grant program.

The SCORP identifies 8 key priorities that will be used to guide the selection of future LWCF capital projects for outdoor recreation improvements.

The key priorities include:

  1. Resilience & Sustainability
  2. Access, Connectivity & Diversity of Recreation Experiences
  3. Accessibility & Inclusion
  4. Health & Equity
  5. Technology, Innovation & Education
  6. Identity & Culture
  7. Enhancement & Maintenance
  8. Collaboration & Administration

The SCORP also adopts numerous strategies from existing citywide plans relevant to outdoor parks and recreation and lays out an Open Project Selection Process which provides additional details on how future LWCF projects will be identified and selected.

This SCORP acts as the official document for any future LWCF grant application. Upon completion of the Ready2Play Master Plan, the SCORP will be amended to reflect the final priorities of Ready2Play. If you have any questions pertaining to the SCORP, please email ready2play@dc.gov.

Download the Final DC SCORP 2020 here.

  • The public comment period for the draft SCORP has closed.
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Page last updated: 13 Nov 2020, 06:19 PM